Susan Hated Literature she'd much prefer to read a good book

Do you bite your thumb at me?

Your word is FUCK. You like to come across as rudeand rebellious, and often you do. You also areintelligent and maybe surprisingly sensitive,though God help anyone who said that in frontof...

The Last Light of the Sun by

ISBN: 0743484231 Yet again Kay succeeds in creating a wonderful, fantastical version of history. This time he takes an alternate Britain being raided by the Vikings. It is set in the...

Can’t stop the signal

Any peoples going to see Serenity on Wed at the UGC? Well the crowd are organising an after film meet.

Least needed statement of the year

comes from the Sun, who proudly announce that Mark Feehily is gay. Yup, think the cats, mice, and other assorted animals in the street already knew that[1] But, as Ronan would...

The Wandering Fire by

ISBN: 0586215239 It is always hard to review the middle book of a trilogy. I don’t want to give anything away to those who have yet to read The Summer Tree,...

Stealth dir. by

It’s 2001 with added explosions and minus any thought. If you want to reduce Stealth down to basics of course :) Personally I kind of enjoyed it. I went in expecting...


Was perusing[1] NineMoon’s site and noticed that she has become a Lost fan. I’ve been watching it since it started on RTE (12/13 weeks ago) but is a late-comer and reduced...

The Island dir. by

This could have been a really interesting film, a proper sci-fi film that raises questions, that asks about society and what we believe in. Opening with Lincoln Six Echo on a...

RESCOR reborn?

Remember way back in the mists of time to the story-crossing that various weblandians got involved in? Well, I’ve kept the link in my collection of links, and today, for some...

Who’s stupid now, eh?

Noticing an intriguing headline[1] on Newsnow, I clicked on the link. And learned that lions in a safari park in England have been paying particular attention to Smart cars. Well, that...

Lost – Special dir. by

Episode 14 This episode centres on Walt and Michael, with flashbacks of how Walt ended up not knowing his father, and living in Australia. As well as how Michael regained custody....