Susan Hated Literature she'd much prefer to read a good book

Last Days dir. by

Opening with a scene of Blake stumbling and mumbling his way through the woods this film almost always looks great and interesting. Unfortunately it isn’t. It is a boring, one-note tale...

Apropos of nothing

Isn’t this a scary looking banner? I mean, first of all “Homeland Security” is so 1984 it really isn’t funny, and the whole thing looks like something out of Starship Troopers[1]...

Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

You know all those US-ians[1] who go on about how the US is the greatest country in the world? How it is the best in everything? Well, to mangle the words...

The beauty of it smote his heart

I haven’t commented at all on Hurricane Katrina. I guess part of the reason is a sort of disbelief. Not that the weather can be that destructive, but that it happened in the US. The idea that an entire American city could be destroyed is almost unbelievable. We are sort of used to it in less developed countries, but, somehow you kind of figure that the world’s only superpower would be able to deal with anything.

Another lesson that we don’t take nature all that seriously.

Haunted by

Eva Levine is a half-demon half-witch who also happens to be dead. She’s not in heaven, not in hell, just in the afterlife. Or at least the one that supernatural beings go to after they die. She is also a little preoccupied with keeping an eye on her daughter, Savannah, although being dead she has no way at all of protecting her, talking to her, or ever getting in contact.

I need another W00t!

Remember Mr. Library man? Do ye? Well he gave me a call. Person who they offered the job to turned it down. I didn’t ask why. So… yes, he offered it...

I am overthrown

There are times in life when one really despairs of mankind[1] . Today I went to see The Dukes of Hazzard. In a way I was looking for a shite film....

The Reverse of the Medal by

Book 11 ISBN: 0006499260 Someone mentions Jack Aubrey and at once you think of sea battles and naval history, you may not think of Stock Exchange frauds and court cases, but...


Did anyone else play the ball game sevens? You had to bounce a ball against a wall and do various tricks and whatnot? Well this isn’t the same :) Janine tagged...