Category: Moving Pictures

Lost – Pilot dir. by

I’ve heard lots of good rumours about this programme, but haven’t actually read anything about it, didn’t want to get spoiled if I decided to watch it.
RTE showed the pilot (2 episodes) back to back last Monday, and there wasn’t much else on so I figured I may as well watch it. So far it is okay, I’m not sure why there has been so much raving about how great it is. Then again, I can’t really judge after only one episode.

The Woodsman dir. by

Went to see The Woodsman starring Kevin Bacon last week. Was a very interesting film, but not one I’m gonna review, as such, for the simple reason that the subject matter...

24: Day 357

So 24 started this week on Sky One. Two hours of Jack Bauer and twisty plots and turns. Yet, for some reason I’m not as into it as I have been...

Sideways dir. by

Thank God, a good film. A great film even, and seeing as the films I saw before this were stinkers, what a relief. Jack and Miles are best friends, Miles is...

Ladder 49 dir. by

So you see firemen and Joaquin Phoenix and you think, hmmm, that’ll be fun. (Or you do if you’re me). Well it wasn’t. Honestly, yet another crappy film. 2005 has been...

The Aviator dir. by

Not being a huge fan of DiCaprio’s I wasn’t really sure why I wanted to see this film, the trailers weren’t anything special, but I suppose all the talk about how...