Industrial Magic by

5 February 2005

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Industrial Magic by Kelley Armstrong

ISBN: 1841493406
This is the fourth in Kelley Armstrong’s Otherworld series. The first two dealt with Elena Michaels, the world’s only female werewolf, the second two deal with Paige Winterbourne, a witch.

I’ll admit that I out of all the books I preferred the first, and like the character of Elena and the werewolves much more than the wider supernatural world of the other books. Still enjoy them, and will continue to read and, hopefully, enjoy them all.

All the books follow on from one another, and while the stories don’t relate directly to each other the relationships that form in one book follow on to the other, often with past characters turning up again. So while they can be read as stand-alones I’d say try to read them in order.

I don’t want to spoil any of the previous books, so I’m not sure exactly how much plot detail to give away. I suppose the story is about mystical murders, a whodunit with Paige as one out to solve the mystery. But in reality the plot is not what I read these books for. Sure, it is important but Armstrong’s real strength is in her style of writing. It isn’t what you might call “high literary” style, but it certainly grabs your attention, and more than does its job. Armstrong mixes humour along with emotion, and well-drawn characters who act as people, not 2-D things simply used to force the plot along.

Funny, light and always entertaining

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