Category: Shiny

Come down here and chum some of this shit

Dudes! Seriously, this is like the best thing eveh! Seriously. Totally even. Okay, so the shaaak/head thing isn’t the best in the world, but still, is this not the reason for...

If you’re not in

Well I might not have won the 16 million Euro lotto, but it isn’t all loss :) Carl has announced the winner of his tiny story competition. Congratulations to Quixotical for...

Can’t stop?

I forgot to mention that there will be a Equality Now screening of Serenity in Dublin on June 16th. Details over at


My poppets arrived yesterday. Today they went exploring and bumped into a spaceship[1] They also thought about moving into Minas Tirith, but they are just too big: Linknotes: – Yes, flare...

Let the boasting and hubris commence

Cause look, Paige has nominated me for a Thinking Blog Award. I’d write an acceptance speech of such wit and wonder that it’d astonish you all, but I wouldn’t want you...

More ads

I’ve been hugely amused by an ad currently showing for TG4 and their blending of US imports and Irish shows, who’d ever have linked Cold Case and Ros na Rún i...

Thank Crunchie

It’s Friday. Pic nicked from here I think a long lie-in will be had tomorrow. Although not too long, obviously, as the match starts at half one, so I’ll have to...

The power to stop a nation

Today’s Irish Times has some interesting facts on the rugby match[1] An average of over one million viewers tuned into RTÉ on Saturday to witness Ireland beat England 43-13 at Croke...


Remember my last T13, where I listed stuff that I wanted. Well, there was a reason I didn’t mention a camera, as I had just gone and ordered one. A Fuji...

I am not other people

Went to the theatre last night to see American Buffalo by David Mamet. Twas on at The Gate, and stars Aiden Gillen[1] Sean McGinely[2] and Domhnall Gleeson[3] and very good it...


Look what I just ordered: Rocky: The definitive edition. 2 discs How cool is that? And for those who just don’t get Rocky off you pop to The Sheila Variations and...


Went to see Rocky Balboa this evening and I totally loved it. It may just be nostalgia, or the way the audience reacted, but Rocky really is one of the greatest...