Category: Reviews

The language of bees by

Author: Laurie R. King
A Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes mystery #9
It was only after I’d taken this book home that I realised it was one in a series, but I figured that it was more of a ‘verse type of series, so I read it anyway. According to wikipedia it is book 9 although only 2 others seem to have been published in Britain & Ireland. Or maybe it’s just that they switched publishers, I didn’t really look to closely into it to be honest. I’ll check at work tomorrow and see if we have any others but I won’t be hugely disappointed if we don’t.

Her fearful symmetry by

Author: Audrey Niffenegger

For a lot of this book I really really liked it. I never quite loved it; but for a while I did really enjoy it. The writing is great. And the premise was interesting. But it just didn’t work in the end. And I think that one of the major problems was that the character who makes this big decision, well, I just didn’t get why she made it. And I really didn’t understand why other characters went along with her. That wasn’t the only problem, it just meant that I was less forgiving of the others

The Gathering Storm by ,

You know, I’ve been reading this series since I was in second year in school. Thats what, 1992? ’92 or ’93. Whichever it was, that is a long time to be reading the same story. But I don’t regret a second. Not even the incredible feeling of disappointment after book 10 when I shrieked that “nothing happened”. Because it is a great story, with great characters, and I really do want to get to the end and find out what happens.

Irrational fears by

ISBN: 9780981784649 I have a lot of fears. I’m a big fan of Ursula Vernon’s Digger comic, but I’ve never actually bought any of her stuff before. Tut tut. But when...

The historian by

ISBN: 0316730319 In 1972 I was sixteen – young my father said to be travelling with him on his diplomatic missions. The one word that sprang into my mind, more than...

The other hand by

published in the US as Little Bee ISBN: 0340963409 Most days I wish I was a British pound coin instead of an African girl. I picked this book up totally on...

Still life with Woodpecker by

ISBN: 0553148923 really wanted to like this book. How could I not, the synopsis from the back cover makes you want to start reading it: Still Life with Woodpecker is sort...

My life as a rhombus by

I don’t tutor high school students.

It’s funny. I’ve never read any books by Justine Larbaleister but I read her blog and when she recommended My life as a rhombus I guess I was feeling in a suggestible mood because I ordered it right then. And I’m glad I did; its a good solid read, engaging enough to make me delay setting out for the train last Friday evening until I finished it. Course then I had to reread the last chapter because I’d skim-read so much of it.

The Fresco by

Sometimes I wonder why I bother to read certain books at all. Why do I make myself finish them? Is it because I believe I’m a bad person and need to be punished? If that’s why I must have done something very bad:”(I cant imagine what…)”: to make myself finish this one.