Category: Reviews

Lost – White Rabbit dir. by

The realities of being ship-wrecked (plane wrecked doesn’t sound right does it?) begin to set in. Water is in short supply, and there is a death. Bringing the number of survivors down to 46. (spoilers if you read on)

Stoner by

ISBN: 0099445093 No not a book about drugs but a story about a university life. Not what we might call a successful life, but not a failure either. A suppose it...

Beauty by

Beauty is a retelling of many fairy tales, but with a slight agenda. And no I’m not really talking about a feminist slant here, but about an environmental one. The story...

Abarat by

ISBN: 0002259524 Barker has created an interesting world but I found that the whole story was overshadowed by the ending. But that is only because I didn’t realise that it was...

I, Lucifer by

ISBN: 0743220137 Now this is a truly fantastic book. The basic premise is that God offers the Devil one last chance. If Lucifer can live one month without sin then he...

The Pillars of Creation by

Terry Goodkind
A very wierd book, imo. Almost nothing at all about Richard, instead it is all about his half-sister Jenn.

I have such an ambivalent attitude towards this series. I quite enjoy reading them but the political and philosophical meaning behind the stories is almost the exact opposite of everything I would believe in.
In Wizard’s First Rule for example the basic premise was that people are stupid. That mob rule always wins out, and by being able to manipulate that you can guide people into believing almost anything.

Stupid White Men by

A good read, if a little scary at time. In a way it is unreal, like watching a parania TV show, and maybe that is why this sort of thing is ignored. We don’t really believe things are as bad as this books makes the out. Or if we do believe, we don’t want to. Ignore it and it will go away.