Category: Honk

Dark sarcasm ought to be taught in schools

I’ve had Sky News on in the background for more than an hour now while I was reading, and then surfing. Nothing but the story on the police officer shot in Bradford. Of course this is a tragedy, but isn’t this level of coverage a little over done considering they don’t actually have anything at all to say, apart from the fact that two female officers were shot, one injured in hospital, the other dead.


Sometimes things are just so horrific you have to back away from the very thought. I mean, we all know that the Eurovision is car-crash tv. We all know the songs...

Full of grace

I don’t mean to alarm anyone, but it is only Tuesday. Only tuesday! Do you know what that means. It means that I’ve had less than two full days at work....

till it happens in your heart

Dearly Beloved[1] we are gathered here to today to tell Christmas to fuck off. It may sound harsh, Christmas after all, is the season of goodwill, harmony and other lovely-jubbly feelings,...

You struck me dumb like radium

Edited to add: Bloody hell. Just got asked if I want a new job. By the same peoples I am working for now, only in a different branch, and a permanent...

Apropos of nothing

Isn’t this a scary looking banner? I mean, first of all “Homeland Security” is so 1984 it really isn’t funny, and the whole thing looks like something out of Starship Troopers[1]...

The beauty of it smote his heart

I haven’t commented at all on Hurricane Katrina. I guess part of the reason is a sort of disbelief. Not that the weather can be that destructive, but that it happened in the US. The idea that an entire American city could be destroyed is almost unbelievable. We are sort of used to it in less developed countries, but, somehow you kind of figure that the world’s only superpower would be able to deal with anything.

Another lesson that we don’t take nature all that seriously.