Category: Books

The Dark Is Rising Sequence by

ISBN: 0140316884 5 Vol.s in one Over Sea, Under Stone The Dark Is Rising Greenwitch The Grey King Silver On The Tree “Where is he?” Barney hopped from one foot to...

The Shooting Party by

Trans: A.E. Chamot It has take me quite a while to finish this short novel, still I would recommend it highly. Chekhov is famous for his plays, his Cherry Orchards and...

Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister by

ISBN: 0060987529 Hobbling home under a mackeral sky, I came upon a group of children. A retelling, a reimagining of Cinderella, Maguire here attempt to create a more realistic picture, through...

Lovely Biscuits by

ISBN: 1902197011 6 short stories plus an introduction by Stewart Home. Blind in the city of light, Patricia walked carefully back through the Cimitiere Pere-Lachasie Contents: The Braile Encyclopaedia The Room...

Knife of Dreams by

After the last book, where nothing happened I was a little reluctant to start this. But although not a lot happens, some things do. And we can certainly see a lot of forward momentum and arranging for the next book, which is supposed to be the last in the series.

Crossroads of Twilight by

ISBN: 1841491837 Wheel of Time #10 This was a reread for me, I first read it when the hardback was released a few years ago. Sped through it and then said,...

According To Queeney by

ISBN: 0349114471 This novel may possibly have had a greater impact on me if I knew anything about the life and times of Samuel Johnson apart from the fact that he...

The Big Sleep by

ISBN: 0140108920 ; A Philip Marlowe Mystery #1 It was about eleven o’;clock in the morning, mid October, with the sun not shining and a look of hard wet rain in...

Eyes for teeth waving over me

Not to bring you down from your holiday cheer, but today marks a year since the Indian Ocean earthquake, and resulting tsunami. Since then 2005 hasn’t exactly been disaster free now...