Susan Hated Literature she'd much prefer to read a good book

Week 246

Yes, I’m late, but what are you going to do about it? Huh? Go visit the home of Luna Nina and the Unconscious Mutterings and post them your self? No. I...

Are you having a laugh?

It has become something of a habit with me that I spend a while browsing through AskMetaFilter reading the odd question and answer. Which is where I came across the question...

Doomsday Book by

ISBN: 0450579875 See also: SF Reviews ; Read with Eclectic Circus In the year 2525, there are women… sorry, about that interruption from Cleopatra 2525, it was really out of place,...

Wormwood by

ISBN: 9780440217985 Read for the RIP Challenge I’ve said before that in most cases for me to really love a book I have to have well written/developed characters which is possibly...

Mr. Brooks dir. by

This film I really, really enjoyed, but the problem is that if I say too much about it I might ruin it for you. So, in brief, Costner plays earl Brooks, a ceramic maker. A big name in the business community. But Mr. Brooks has another side to him; he likes to kill. He believes himself addicted to murder, and every now and then he falls off the wagon and his alter-ego, Marshall, gets what he wants, a murder. But on his most recent outing he makes a bad mistake and gets photographed at the scene. He know has to deal with the photographer as well as his own family issues.

Black Sheep dir. by

This is the story of Henry Oldfield, son of a prominent sheep farmer in New Zealand, who, following a tragic incident in his childhood, suffers from a fear of sheep. He returns to the farm to sell his share of the family property to his older brother Angus. But while there is discovers the terrible secret… Angus has been experimenting in order to create a new breed of sheep, The Oldfield, but things go a little wrong and before you know it the mutant killer sheep are terrorising the land.

Week 245

Mutter mutter mutter Illicit :: Go :: Jacket :: Blow :: Coach :: Effort :: Leadership :: Snore :: Fearless :: Network ::

Daywatch [based on the book] by dir. by

This film starts off pretty much exactly where Nightwatch finished up, there is a quick voice over recap and then we are into the action, with Anton having just lost his son to the Dark Others, Zavulon in particular. Svetlana is now in training with Anton; he spends much of his time hiding how he feels about her while she tries to show him how she feels. Of course dating the trainee is a big no-no according to Geser, especially one that will probably be such a Great Light Other.

How cute

I walked past the Dáil today. And there was a a garda on the street. As usual. And another one the inside the grounds of the government buildings. Again, nothing unusual...

Never Let Me Go by

My name is Kathy H. I’m thirty-one years old, and I’ve been a carer now for over eleven years. That sounds long enough, I know, but actually they want me to go on for another eight months, until the end of this year.

I picked this upon impulse. At home, looking for something for the train, I recognised the author’s name and thought that I may as well give it a go. And I’m so glad I did because I loved this book. The narrator is Kathy H., a 31 year old woman, and the book is her memories of life at boarding school. She and other students lived at Hailsham where they were taught by the “guardians” and brought up in a privileged manner. But all is not as it seems and throughout the novels there are hints at something darker.