Susan Hated Literature she'd much prefer to read a good book

Oi, Today fm, NO!

One of Today FM‘s adverts has been banned from British TV. It is the Ray D’Arcy one, in case you are interested.

Extended rumours

Stolen from some ROTK ee bits and bobs. Please note these are all only rumours so may not be true: – Word is that New Line are baulking at the...

Remember, remember

History never ever dies does it? There was an item on RTE news yesterday about this chalice which was used by a parish priest killed by Cromwellian forces; here is the...


North to give gay couples legal status – good move

Even Better Than the Real Thing

Recently was given a copy of Even Better Than the Real Thing (scroll down a little). This album is a compliation of various cover versions performed “live and acoustic”. All proceeds...


Results…: “ Discworld: Which Ankh-Morpork City Watch Character are YOU? brought to you by Quizilla“

what not to do

Speaking of LOTR here is a list of: “Things NOT to do during a showing of ‘Return of the King’….. 1. Stand up halfway through the movie and yell loudly, ‘Wait…where...


Yipee, a new Mary Gentle Book: “1610: A Sundial in a Grave, by Mary Gentle (Gollancz, £12.99) Mary Gentle’s novels hover in the grey area between fantastic, postmodern and historical fiction...