Category: Reviews

Hobo with a shotgun dir. by

This once existed only as a trailer to Grindhouse but one day some one decided to go on ahead and make the film. I mean, it has a catchy title, in a Snakes on a plane sort of way. And the idea of a sort of comedy action film with Rutger Hauer as a hobo with a shotgun sounded like it might be vaguely entertaining.

The plot is this: hobo shows up in an ultra violent town. Ultra violent things occur. Blood. Gore. Death.

The Wise Man’s Fear by

ISBN: 9780575088078 The Kingkiller Chronicle, Day two Read for the Once Upon a Time V reading challenge, see what every one’s been reading on the review site ; Quotes I liked...

The Name of the Wind by

ISBN: 9780575087057 Book 1 in The Kingkiller Chronicles Read for the Once Upon a Time V reading challenge, see what every one’s been reading on the review site ; Quotes I...

April Spotlight by

Yes, it is slightly more than a month since my last *monthly* spotlight on post. But what can I say? I’m nothing if not predictable in my not sticking to my...

Swamplandia! by

ISBN: 9780701186029 Our mother performed in starlight. Ava Bigtree lives in Swamplandia! with her family. They wrestle alligators in front of tourists for a living. Until recently Ava’s mother Hillola was...

Son of heaven by

9781848875258 #1 in the Chung Kuoseries A thin layer of mist wreathed the meadows all the way to reeds that traced the meandering path of the river. It is the year...

Rainbow Pie by

a memoir of Redneck America ISBN: 9781846272578 Before picking this book up I’d never heard of Bageant, and in the middle of reading it I learned from Metafilter that he had...

Pretties by

In the world of Uglies once you turn sixteen you also get to turn “pretty”. That is you undergo surgery that’ll get rid of all your old imperfections and instead make you beautiful according to the conventions of evolution and society. In book one Tally was the last of her friends to turn sixteen, and so was left alone when they all turned Pretty and moved to Pretty-town.

Spoiler warning for book one in effect.

Spartacus : Gods of the arena dir. by

First things first, this is an awesome show. Awesome! Anyone who says different is just plain wrong!

When I first started watching Spartacus : Blood and Sand I have to say that I wasn’t overly impressed. Obviously influenced by the style and look of 300 it seemed to be a show that existed only to show glossy violence and sex. And boy did it ever show that. But after the first few episodes it developed into a very enjoyable, almost addictive, show. But then its star was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma and so film making was delayed as he underwent treatment. And so instead of a second season we got a prequel. Spartacus : gods of the arena. Don’t be fooled by that name in the title, this has no Spartacus as all, instead it tells the story of how John Hannah’s Lentulus Batiatus comes to run the family ludus, and how Crixus becomes a gladiator.

Shadow of Kilimanjaro by

Baraba is sent to accompany a German family of missionaries to Africa. He poses as their student, but in reality he has been sent by Lady Ada Lovelace in order to investigate the possibility of the dis-souled near the famed mountain of Kilimanjaro. Accompanying Mr and Mrs Rebmann, and their cousin Clare, he is there when a strange Englishman shows up, in his range rover. Bernard Bourne has been living in Africa for some time, and so can provide them with some much needed supplies. He brings Clare to his home in order to pick up some of these supplies, along with the servant Baraba. But Bourne is not as altruistic as he may seem.