Susan Hated Literature she'd much prefer to read a good book

God’s War by

Bel Dame Apocrypha #1 Originally read August 2011 – Reread August 2014 Okay, this book seriously rewards a reread. I can’t believe it has only been 3 years since I read...

Beautiful Joe by

Available on Gutenberg Beautiful Joe is the story of a dog, a mongrel whose first owner abused him, going so far as to chop off his ears and tail. He was...

Skin Hunger by

A resurrection of magic ; book 1 Sadima’s mother died in her birthing. The magician paid to help did no such thing; all she did was take the money and leave,...

One Salt Sea by

An October Daye Novel ; 5. Generalised spoiler warning in effect for the first four books, because, well obviously. Toby has come along way since we met her back in Rosemary...

The Martian by

Mark Watney is a botanist and engineer assigned to the Ares programme, one of the very few who gets to go to Mars. Unfortunately he is stranded there. All alone. With...

The Grinnell Method by

Published – Strange Horizons, Sept 2012. Available to read online here. In 1943 ornithologist Barbara Kenney comes to observe the plovers. It is her third visit to the same area, some...

The hearts of horses by

In the first winter of the Great War Martha Lessen rode into Elwha County. Dolly, the mare she rode, was badly scarred but a sensible type. She also had a couple...

The Ghost by

Adam Lang, ex-Prime Minister, is writing his memoirs. Or to be more honest, he needs a ghostwriter. Someone to do some research, to rewrite Lang’s memories into a story. Enter our...

Tigerman by

Lester Ferris has seen a lot and done a lot in his life. A sergeant in the British Army he has more than served his country, and now he has been...