Category: Reviews

Falling from horses by

Free arc received via NetGalley Bud Frazer left home when he was nineteen. For a few years he rode the rodeo circuit but then decided to head for Hollywood to play...

Locke dir. by

Ivan Locke (Hardy) is supposed to be heading home after a long day at work. He is supposed to be watching the game with his wife and sons. But instead he...

Sacred Scars by

A resurrection of magic : Book 2 If you haven’t read book one, Skin Hunger, then be warned, this follows on directly from that so there are spoilers for events in...

Warm bodies by

Part of my RIP IX reading. R is a zombie. He is not quite sure how long he’s been a zombie and he has no idea what he was before he...

Chimes at Midnight by

An October Daye novel ; # 7 Part of my RIP IX reading. Goblin fruit is a pleasant drug for the fae, if they are pureblood that is. Changelings only need...

The Haunting of Hill House by

Part of my RIP reading, and read with The Estella Society’s Readalong. Hill House is unoccupied. The owners have tried to rent it, but tenants never stay long. The house has...

The Night Watch by

Starting in 1947 The Night Watch tells the story, in reverse chronology, of various people in and around London during the Blitz. Their stories progress by going backwards in time, so...

The Bees by

From the moment she emerges out of her cell Flora 717 is not like the other bees. She has been born a sanitation bee, meant to clean and to take orders...

Fudoki by

Princess Harueme is dying. She can feel it, a great weight inside her, so she is preparing for death. Emptying out old trunks, burning the notebooks she has spent a lifetime...