Category: Moving Pictures

Grizzly Man dir. by

In 2003 Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend Amie Huegenard were killed and eaten by a bear. That was Treadwell’s 13 year in bear country, and he left behind 5 years of...

Harsh Times dir. by

I’m not all that sure how to describe this film. If you’ve seen Training Day you may have a general idea of the tone; gritty and violent. But this isn’t about...

Nacho Libre dir. by

If you’ve seen the trailers for this film you’ll pretty much know exactly what to expect. Jack Black dancing about in stretchy pants and a Mexican wrestler’s mask. And that is...

Lady in the Water dir. by

This is an odd film. A very odd film.

Ever since The Sixth Sense Shyamalan has been known as the “twist guy” for his film endings; I don’t think that is a fair description. And while you can say that Unbreakable, Signs and The Village all had twists to their endings, the twists weren’t all that important. The films were stories about people, truth, and finding out who you are. The Lady in the water continues in this vein, but at the same time it is a very different type of film. As Shyamalan has said, it is a bedtime story. A fairy tale, for children. So it is, of course, going to be more simplistic and yet at the same time it is more complicated than that.

The Break-Up dir. by

You all know I’m a fan of Vince Vaughn’s, so I was quite looking forward to this. Plus the trailers looked entertaining, though we do know that you can never trust...