Tagged: war

Firefly 1.01 – Serenity dir. by

We open with war and death, and the fun of shooting a giant gun. And so, in a way, this opening teaser shows exactly what makes Joss Whedon’s writing so great. The humour, believable. real characters, emotion and let’s not forget the explosions, because, they are important you know. But, as well as introducing Mal and Zoe as ex-soldiers, this sequence is all about Mal. We get to see his faith and belief utterly destroyed in a single moment.

Serenity dir. by

This is the non-spoiler review. Spoiler review is down below. The password is the name of The planet. If you’ve seen the film you should know what planet I’m talking about....

Shooting History: A personal journey by

ISBN: 0007171854 Jon Snow has been a journalist since the early 70’s, but even before that he was involved in anti-apartheid demonstrations, and worked as a volunteer in Africa. This book...

Hero dir. by

If you’ve seen any trailers for this film you might be tempted to think of it as this year’s Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It isn’t. First of all it isn’t quite...

King Arthur dir. by

This film suffered from many poor reviews. Both from critics and, in my case, from friends who found it boring. Course I don’t read reviews before I go see films, I try to make up my own mind. Still I wasn’t expecting a lot from this film.
I’ve never really been a huge fan of Arthur films. First Knight was really really crap, imo, and Excaliber was a bit wierd. Plus there is the whole Monty Python thing :)

So why’d I go to see it?
Ray Winstone of course!

Monstrous Regiment by

ISBN: 0552149411By my count this is the 28th Discworld novel, although if you include the “Younger Readers’” discworld books then you get 30. So take your pick, I don’t think it...

Isn’t war supposed to be hell?

Remember back when the whole “should the US invade Iraq” discussion was going on. And there were all those anti-french sites? And the google bomb thingy pointing to pages like this, well recently came across a response to those, and while some valid points are brought up about French victories that isn’t really why I’m mentioning it. Think of this paragraph as background information :)

More from Jo

“Wars eat your youth. When I was in college we made a census, boys and girls. There were about half girls and half boys but now there are maybe ten times...

So much for blindly following orders

it appears there were fundamental differences between the US dominated headquarters and Australian pilots over what constituted a valid military target. Squadron Leader Pudney said under Australia’s rules of engagement pilots had to ask themselves on each mission whether it was right to drop their bombs

Great piece about Madrid

But what horrifies me, is that we now live in an age where hyperterrorism is the norm. Where suicide bombings have become commonplace. Where children are killed in the wombs of their mothers. Where a teenager strapping explosives to their body and murdering a bus full of school children is the standard fodder of the Six O’Clock news. Where blood runs in the streets of cities, thousands of miles away from a war which nobody wanted, and for which, it now appears, we all run the risk of being punished.

Some wounds don’t heal

I came across this site called Morphizm.com which has an article on LOTR and the impact that WWI had on Tolkien and the books. It makes for an interesting read, and...