Tagged: patriarchy

Women & power by

Hearing the latest sex abuse scandal or the latest supposedly feminist man revealed as a jerk using his power and position for sexual gain can sometimes make consuming the news feel...

The Power by

First rec’d by Abigail Nussbaum – Strange Horizons When I first read about The Power I was both intrigued and a little put-off by the premise; women suddenly develop the ability...

The serpent and the goddess by

Using Ireland as a case study, this book provides an account of the decline of matriarchal power in Western civilizations and analyzes its implications for today’s women and today’s Catholic Church....

Jane Eyre’s Sisters by

Don’t you just love it when you pick up a book at random thinking it looks vaguely interesting and then you devour it? That is what happened me with this book....

Things fall apart by

Set in pre-colonial Nigeria Things Fall Apart is the story of Okonkwo and his community. He sees himself as a hard-working, important man, he has gained many titles through his hard...

In the eye of the beholder

Kameron Hurley, author of God’s War wasn’t overly impressed by The Cabin in the Woods, as maybe you can tell from this short excerpt from her blog: Throughout the whole movie,...

East of Eden by

originally read 18th August 2003ISBN: 0140292942 My reread of East of Eden was down to the fact that my book club selected it to read. It’s been more than ten years...