Tagged: heroism

Jane Eyre’s Sisters by

Don’t you just love it when you pick up a book at random thinking it looks vaguely interesting and then you devour it? That is what happened me with this book....

Falling from horses by

Free arc received via NetGalley Bud Frazer left home when he was nineteen. For a few years he rode the rodeo circuit but then decided to head for Hollywood to play...


Went to see Rocky Balboa this evening and I totally loved it. It may just be nostalgia, or the way the audience reacted, but Rocky really is one of the greatest...

Isn’t war supposed to be hell?

Remember back when the whole “should the US invade Iraq” discussion was going on. And there were all those anti-french sites? And the google bomb thingy pointing to pages like this, well recently came across a response to those, and while some valid points are brought up about French victories that isn’t really why I’m mentioning it. Think of this paragraph as background information :)