Tagged: dystopias

The Road dir. by

based on book by Cormac McCarthy IMDb | Metacritic Grey is the first word I think of when I think about this film. Grey and bleak. That is to be expected;...

The gone-away world by

ISBN: (Proof: 978043401866) 9780434018420 See also: mebelitheBookseller.com ; Book Geeks ; Extract A while back there was a comment left on the blog asking if I wanted a copy of The...

Doomsday dir. by

This film really is utterly preposterous. Unbelievable in the extreme; plot holes every where. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. It still kicks ass though. Hugely enjoyable. It is set in...

I am legend [based on the book] by dir. by

After the end of the world as we know it Robert Neville lives in New York. All alone apart from his dog, Sam, he drives around hunting deer, chatting to mannequins and going through the stock of a local video store. He also makes sure to be home and locked away by the time night comes. Because at night the rest of the survivors come out. And they aren’t so friendly.

The Road by

ISBN: 9780330447546 Read for the RIP Challenge See also: Darryl’s Library ; Skewed Perspectives ; Cynical Opimitsm ; Bookwomon This is a novel set at some unidentified point in the future...

Never Let Me Go by

My name is Kathy H. I’m thirty-one years old, and I’ve been a carer now for over eleven years. That sounds long enough, I know, but actually they want me to go on for another eight months, until the end of this year.

I picked this upon impulse. At home, looking for something for the train, I recognised the author’s name and thought that I may as well give it a go. And I’m so glad I did because I loved this book. The narrator is Kathy H., a 31 year old woman, and the book is her memories of life at boarding school. She and other students lived at Hailsham where they were taught by the “guardians” and brought up in a privileged manner. But all is not as it seems and throughout the novels there are hints at something darker.

Nylon Angel by

If Jamon Mondo touched me one more time I’d kill him.

I almost wish I hadn’t finish this book. I was on the verge of tossing it around two thirds in, but figured I’d read this far might as well see how it ends. But the final third is actually quite good. Not sure if it is enough to make up for the first part, But now I am a little curious about the next books in the series.

Aeon Flux dir. by

Yes I did know that this wasn’t supposed to be very good. I decided to go see it anyway. I figured that maybe it’d have a crap storyline but be cool...