Tagged: diversiverse

The Kingdom of Gods by

The Inheritance trilogy ; book 3 Oh my god, you totally need to read this series. It is so awesome and just plain great. Go read it. Am I overselling it...

Fandom for robots by

Published in Uncanny Magazine, Sept/Oct 2017. Issue 17. Short stories often don’t really work for me. Either too little happens or too much. Also being so short they often don’t have...

Extracurricular Activities by

The Machinaries of Empire Although this novelette is part of the larger Machinaries ‘verse, you can read it without any knowledge of that wider world as it is a prequel. So...

The prey of gods by

I added this book to my TBR pile a whole year ago, when it was rec’d by Kameron Hurley. And then it was one of the books discussed on Fangirl Happy...

The truth about stories by

From what I remember I bought this book a few years ago because of Aarti’s A More Diverse Universe reading challenge. I didn’t get around to reading it then, but for...

Ninefox Gambit by

Machineries of Empire ; book 1 …the battle of wits between a disgraced captain and her undead advisor, a brilliant tactician and mass murderer who might be out to kill her...

Between the world and me by

Ta-Nehisi Coates is a name that has floated around me for a while now. Often in discussions on Metafilter about racism and America and what it is to be black, or...

#Diversiverse is coming

It’s bang on a month until Aarti’s A More Diverse Universe events begins. In case you missed it the first few years it is all about diversity in your reading. Reading...

A more diverse universe blog tour

This year from November 15th to 17th BookLust is hosting The More Diverse Universe blog tour A More Diverse Universe celebrates diversity in speculative fiction by encouraging people to read books...