Red Mist

The Duchess Dresser by

one of the stories in Cracklescape Tanner found an abandoned dresser on the street, thought it would be an addition to his room, and so took it home. But he may...

The best thing by

Mel is not having a good year at school. Her friends have turned on her, and her boyfriend one day stopped talking to her, became her ex over night and hasn’t...

Tongues of Serpents by

ISBN: 9780007256778 book 6 in the Temeraire series There were few streets in the main port of Sydney which deserved the name, besides the one main thoroughfare, and even that bare...

Touching earth lightly by

ISBN: 1864488239 Growing up is hard. Even when you have encouraging responsibly parents, like Chloe. When you don’t, when your parents are like Janey’s, consistently putting you in harms way and...

Black Sheep dir. by

This is the story of Henry Oldfield, son of a prominent sheep farmer in New Zealand, who, following a tragic incident in his childhood, suffers from a fear of sheep. He returns to the farm to sell his share of the family property to his older brother Angus. But while there is discovers the terrible secret… Angus has been experimenting in order to create a new breed of sheep, The Oldfield, but things go a little wrong and before you know it the mutant killer sheep are terrorising the land.

The Magician dir. by

This is the story of Ray, who for the right money can make anyone disappear. Although it isn’t magic he uses, not unless you count a count as a wand. He...

Nylon Angel by

If Jamon Mondo touched me one more time I’d kill him.

I almost wish I hadn’t finish this book. I was on the verge of tossing it around two thirds in, but figured I’d read this far might as well see how it ends. But the final third is actually quite good. Not sure if it is enough to make up for the first part, But now I am a little curious about the next books in the series.

where we once belonged by

ISBN: 0241139295 Set in Samoa where we once belonged is the coming of age story of Alofa, a 13 year old girl growing up in the village of Malaefou. I wrote...

Red Mist by

Full title Red Mist: Roy Keane and the Football Civil war. A fan’s story ISBN: 0747570140 See also: LibraryThing ; Roy’s stats from Man U ; Guardian article written during Saipan...