Susan Hated Literature she'd much prefer to read a good book

The truth about stories by

From what I remember I bought this book a few years ago because of Aarti’s A More Diverse Universe reading challenge. I didn’t get around to reading it then, but for...

Apocalypto dir. by

Rewatched 11th March 2017, originally watched Jan 2007, and I’m left with the same general impression. A lot of action and blood and running around the jungle screaming and shouting. But...

The Ninth Rain by

The blurb for this book is very accurate as to the tone and feel of the book. It has all those epic fantasy tropes – a once great civilisation fallen to ruin, a loner adventure – but then it undercuts that with the “talk about a guilt trip” and introduces a more real grounded feel to the story, plus a bit of humour. And if I had to describe The Ninth Rain in a few words, then epic fantasy with added humour, would certainly be a large part of it.

Logan dir. by

[imdb_movie_detail title=”Logan” detail=”plot”] Logan has always been my favourite X-men1 . Not that I’ve read a huge number of the comics, I haven’t, but in the way back far off days...

Good news is also news!

There is a whole heap of bad news out in the world. There are terrible things happening all over the world. But it does no harm to share some of the...

Passing Strange by

San Francisco in 1940 is a haven for the unconventional. Tourists flock to the cities within the city: the Magic City of the World’s Fair on an island created of artifice...

Room by

Imagine a room. Eleven feet by eleven. Bed. Bath. Wardrobe. Table. Chair. Rocker. Stove. Television. No windows. Only Skylight. Door is locked. Always. Imagine this is your home. The only home...

Six Wakes by

I first heard about Six Wakes on Kameron Hurley’s blog. And then on John Scalzi’s Big Idea, and I thought it sounded intriguing. So I went ahead and ordered it. And...

Mount TBR – Feb 2017

Vaughan, Carrie – Martians Abroad rec’d by Carl – Stainless Steel Droppings Stross, Charles – Empire Games rec’d by the author on “It’s a science-fictional spy thriller; so if you...