Category: Weekly memes

Young ladies; married ladies; old maids; thoughtless young persons of both sexes; gamblers, profligates and libertines; servants who, whether by accident or design, have acquired an education beyond their station: these are the idle creatures who may be found at any hour of the night or day with a novel in their hands

Heather has a book meme that I’m stealing; Connect any six books in your library to each other by any way you want. One book will remind you of another because...

What a wonderful way to wake me

Stolen from criminal english the instructions said: List ten musical artists that you like, and then go answer the questions. As JP said in his post, these aren’t my top ten...

Saviour of the human race

Haven’t done a pointless quiz-type thing in a while, but when I spotted this one over at Diamonds I had to take it: You Are 80% Weird You’re more than quirky,...

Never judge a book by its movie

Stolen from Projectile Reviews: Name five of your favorite books: The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien. Despite not having reread it in a while I’d still count this as one...

pointless movie type thing

As I may not have mentioned I am away for the weekend. I’m heading up to Sligo and so will be offline till Monday. So to keep you all occupied over...

What is it good for?

So someone posted about the bad writing in The Historian, and the Grumpy Old Bookman linked and now, boy and girls, it is all out WAR! Just take a browse through...