Category: Weekly memes

TT #26

Thirteen links for you to enjoy. Firefly set to Strauss Go on! You know you want to click. Dog de Tour de France Golf, the latest sport to be hit by...

TT #25

image nicked from Samulli Thirteen Things about cats I’ve had The first cat I remember having was Blackie. This was back in Dublin, so don’t remember much about her. She had...

TT #24

Thirteen of my favourite films, that I own on DVD cause otherwise we might be here for a while

TT #23

Wow, can you believe that I’ve been doing this Thursday Thirteen stuff for 23 weeks now? I was wondering what to do for this week’s Thursday Thirteen but then I got...

Week 229

Compulsion :: Spiritual :: Spray :: Compatibility :: Pursuit :: Fake :: Mobile :: Ceremony :: Ribbons :: Mozart ::

TT #22

yet another banner nicked from Samulli Well after last week’s zombie excitement, we’re back to the more usual T13 fun, these are just 13 random things that popped into my head....

TT #21

“They’re out there.”

She was really starting to get on my nerves. I knew they were out there. I’d seen them, I’d been chased by them, legging it down the road screaming in terror as hordes followed me. I didn’t need her to tell me they were out there.


Thirteen of my favourite songs. Well, 13 that the automatic “highest rated” thingy picks out. So it may not actually be that accurate as I haven’t gotten around to rating all...

TT #19

On account of the fact that pirates are cool, and that I really enjoyed POTC: AWE I give you this week’s Thursday Thirteen: 13 items of piratey goodness. Yes, the product...

Week 225

A day late, but nevertheless, Luna Nina time Dancer :: Intellectual :: Direct :: Tolerate :: Post :: Instinctive:: Brink :: Regain :: Repulsed :: Distressed ::

TT #18

Image nicked from Everybody lies Thirteen Things about today Today being election day you see. Polling station close at 10.30 this evening, so you’ve no excuses for not voting. If you...

Enemies are so stimulating.

I must be in the mood for quiz things, cause I just couldn’t resist this one: Your Score: Katharine Hepburn You scored 16% grit, 47% wit, 38% flair, and 9% class!...