Category: Reviews

Hero dir. by

If you’ve seen any trailers for this film you might be tempted to think of it as this year’s Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It isn’t. First of all it isn’t quite...

King Arthur dir. by

This film suffered from many poor reviews. Both from critics and, in my case, from friends who found it boring. Course I don’t read reviews before I go see films, I try to make up my own mind. Still I wasn’t expecting a lot from this film.
I’ve never really been a huge fan of Arthur films. First Knight was really really crap, imo, and Excaliber was a bit wierd. Plus there is the whole Monty Python thing :)

So why’d I go to see it?
Ray Winstone of course!

Monstrous Regiment by

ISBN: 0552149411By my count this is the 28th Discworld novel, although if you include the “Younger Readers’” discworld books then you get 30. So take your pick, I don’t think it...

Death of an Ordinary Man by

ISBN: 0743252276 Nathan is dead. Only problem is that he doesn’t really know what’s going on. He is stuck with his family, trying to fill in the holes in his memories,...

Naked Empire by

Book 8 in the Sword of Truth series Sometimes you know, people really make me wonder. The Sword of Truth series of books started off fine. Fairly regular “epic fantasy” with...

The Lions of Al-Rassan by

ISBN: 0061056219 Loved this book. Pretty much devoured it in one day, and it isn’;t the shortest of books. The version I read was published by EOS and is categorised as...

The Wolf King by

ISBN: 0006483879 Found this to be a very disappointing read. I read the previous two in this series: The Silver Wolf and The Night of the Wolf and while neither of...