Category: Quick Links


Taking too long to tie your shoelaces? Then try the “Ian Knot”. -from Xott

The World is a strange place…

Wired News: Simpsons Plant Seeds of Invention: “Rob Baur of Lake Oswego, Oregon, dreamed of bringing to life his favorite The Simpsons episode, one from 1999 in which Homer grows ‘tomacco,’...

Jonathan Wild

Got this month’s edition of Discworld monthly in my inbox just now. In it was a reference to Jonathan WIld who lived in London in the 1700’s. A thief, he set...

Save Angel

Sign the Petition Prolly won’t do much good but there are over 42700 signatures there

Today is a good day…

First off 24 is back! Do a little dance – Get down tonight. I do love 24, here’s hoping it is as great as Day 2, because (oh shame) I still...

Some wounds don’t heal

I came across this site called which has an article on LOTR and the impact that WWI had on Tolkien and the books. It makes for an interesting read, and...

Which LOTR

Empire run a little poll, and this one was last: “Which of the three Lord of the Rings instalments do you think rules them all?’ Don’t make me choose. I WILL...

The Meatrix

Came across this little film was browsing around:THE MEATRIX: Fight Factory Farms!. Its an anti-factory farm site but the film itself is kinda amusing and weel made so you can just...