Category: Fiction

Lookie here

We got another new addition to the story-crossing. Check it out


I had started this ages and ages ago. But wasn’t happy, and had no ending, so I took it down again. But I now have a vague sense of the ending,...

RESCOR reborn?

Remember way back in the mists of time to the story-crossing that various weblandians got involved in? Well, I’ve kept the link in my collection of links, and today, for some...


She stared out the window, heavy black clouds filled the sky, and she sighed. The sky is weeping. Her eyes widened as she heard herself speak. How overly melodramatic I am....


She walks down the road, much like any other person. Nothing about her attracts attention. All around her people pass each other by, rarely making eye contact, talking only on mobile...

Tiny Stories

Spotted this over at Stainless Steal Droppings.. The rules are simple, and can be found in greater detail here, but basically you gotta come up with a story in 100 words,...


Early morning. Fog moves, rolls across the land. Hiding, then revealing the bare wooden bones of fences. But never venturing down the path, it alone is unconcealed. Revealed. In the distance,...