In the year 2014

30 December 2014

It’s that time of year again, stats and reviews are everywhere. I didn’t do a 2013 round-up, as far as I can recall,1 but I did do a quick review of 2012 the year before.

In 2014 my Goodreads stats tell me that I read 95 books, the longest of which was Kate Elliot’s Spirit Gate, it was well worth the length2. On Goodreads I rated 24 books with 5 stars, which usually translated into a 9 or 10 star here on the blog. That’s a lot of good reading! The ten star books this year were :

  • Falling from horses by Molly Gloss (review)
  • The voice that thunders by Alan Garner (review)
  • Kindred by Octavia Butler (review)
  • The Hundred and One Dalmations by Dodie Smith (review)
  • Michael Rosen’s Sad Book by Michael Rosen3 (review)
  • Address Unknown by Kressman Taylor (review)

So that’s 6 books, sounds about right. Two of those were rereads, one was a picture book, one a nonfiction, 4 were by female authors, one by a person of colour. My goal for next year is to read a diversely as possible. Books by POC etc will be tagged with diverse universe inspired by Aarti’s blog tour/challenge of the same name.

Format-wise 20 books were ebooks, or at least I’ve tagged 20 as being ebooks, I may have missed one or two, or overall I’m still reading the majority of my books in hard copy. But I’d say a large part of that is because I work in a library and get to nab new books as they come in. Twenty-seven books in 2014 were from the library. I’ve only tagged 6 as being rereads but as I reread all of the October Daye series I’m guessing that I forgot to tag some of them correctly.

I posted yesterday about the lack of diversity in the settings of the books that I read, obviously this only applies to books set on earth, google maps doesn’t let you add imaginary places … yet, so that’s something I’ll have to work on in 2015.

Now, on to the films…
There is no Goodreads for films, although I have started checking-in on IMDb, but that isn’t as useful. Anyways, my 10 star films in 2014 are :

  • Locke dir Stephen Knight (review)
  • To Kill a Mockingbird dir. Robert Mulligan (review)
  • 12 years a slave dir. Steve McQueen (review)

And that’s it! Hmm, I think I’ll add The Boxtrolls (review) and Guardians of the Galaxy to my “five favourite films” of 2014.<

Overall I pretty good year, more so for books than films. What was your favourite book or film of the year?

  1. just checked an no, I didn’t 

  2. review here 

  3. obviously 

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7 Responses

  1. Guardians of the Galaxy is one of my favorites of the year too. And To Kill a Mockingbird is a fantastic film…and play, if you ever get a chance to see a theatrical version.

    You had a good year of reading. I’m hoping to get to a few more reads this year, and track my short story reading too.
    Carl V. Anderson´s last blog post ..Favorite Reads of 2014

    • Fence says:

      I’d love to see a theatrical version Carl, but I’ve never heard one being performed over here. I’ll have to keep my eye out for it.

      Guardians really was a great fun film

  2. I don’t think I could pick just one favourite book; I’ve done a Top 10 and that was hard enough! Guardians of the Galaxy is definitely one of my favourite films of the year too though. I wish you more happy reading and viewing in 2015.
    jessicabookworm´s last blog post ..Top 10 Reads of 2014

    • Fence says:

      I couldn’t pick just one either. I tend to just go back over my highest rated books. Although sometimes I’ve loved a book and not rated it 10 stars (Scorpio Races for example) and I could’ve very easily added that to my favourites list. But you have to have some cut off point :)

  3. Lynn says:

    I also love Guardians of the Galaxy. So entertaining.
    Well done with your reading as well – I’ve not read any of your books above but if you gave them 10 stars then I really feel I should add at least one of them to my tbr (I’m trying to be circumspect!) – now, I just need to choose which one!! – am erring on the side of Kindred.
    Thanks and Happy New Year to you.
    Lynn :D
    Lynn´s last blog post ..My best reads for 2014

    • Fence says:

      Kindred is a fantastic book. Not the easiest of reads because it deals with slavery and racism, but so important.
      If you wanted to try a shorter book I’d really recommend Address Unknown, its a series of letters during WWII and it really packs a punch.

  1. 1 January 2015

    […] did my mini book & film review of the year already, and I hope I get to read as many good books this year as I did […]