More Than This by

11 November 2013

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Seth is drowning. He isn’t going to survive, there is no out for him. He drowns. But death is not the end, he wakes up in his childhood home in England. He is all alone, and wrapped in strange bandages. The world is covered in dust and dirt. All the food has gone off, and even the water is funny. Seth knows where he is. Hell.

I can’t say that I loved Ness’ last book, The Crane Wife was great in many ways but it never gripped me the way his other books did. But this one. This one is great. I loved Seth, he is so real and believable. The book is his journey, from being a self obsessed teenager to realising that the world is what it is, and that it doesn’t revolve around anyone. I don’t mean that Seth doesn’t have problems, and should be self obsessed. Every teenager should, its part of how we find our place in the world and how we fit in. After all everyone is the hero of their own story aren’t they?

I’m trying to figure out what to say about it that doesn’t spoil anything, because I really do think that the best way to approach this book is to know nothing about it in advance.

If however you have read it then you won’t have to worry about spoilers and can read on :)

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This is more of a ramble than a review, and its gone on too long, so I’ll stop here and just say that you should read this book.

Other reviews : The Book Smugglers ; A bookish heart ; Things mean a lot

  1. not in a servant manner, but in a taking care of you looking our for you kind of way 

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