The droghte of March …

24 March 2012

I should be out walking the dog at the moment. It is a lovely day today, I should be making the most of it. But I haven’t been online all week! Very busy at work, another library to move. Great fun! And we are buying a house. Or at least attempting to do so. Sale agreed but many forms and bureaucracy to be gone through yet.

So busy busy busy.

But not so busy that I can ignore what time of the year it is. March! Which, obviously, means that it is Once Upon A Time Challenge time.

once upon a time

once upon a time

The Once Upon a Time VI Challenge has a few rules:

Rule #1: Have fun.

Rule #2: HAVE FUN.

Rule #3: Don’t keep the fun to yourself, share it with us, please!

Rule #4: Do not be put off by the word “challenge”.

And as usual I have no idea whatsoever what I am going to read. But there are plenty of unread books upon my shelves, and I do work in a library, so I think I’ll find something. I think it will be The Journey for me, and I’d like to join in the group read for Neverwhere in May, but have no clue if I bought that book or borrowed it from the library. And if I do own it, I have no idea where it is. So I’ll have to go looking first.

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6 Responses

  1. anne says:

    Congratulations on the house! And fingers crossed that the sale goes through.

  2. I must say I find it somewhat appropriate that your copy of Neverwhere disappeared somewhere into the shadows of your house… That said, I hope you find it in time for the groupread!
    Cheryl @ Tales of th´s last blog post ..Saturday Snapshot: Glories of Daffodils

    • Fence says:

      It is oddly fitting isn't it? And unfortunately I still haven't found it, may have to buy a new one. Or check the library :)

  3. Kailana says:

    That's awesome about the house. I hope it all goes through well! And I hope you read lots of wonderful things for this challenge!
    Kailana´s last blog post ..Friday Reads – 9th Edition