Monthly Archive: February 2011

2011 #4

While on holiday in Wales I came across the following garden ornaments. Simples!

The Stainless Steel Rat omnibus by

When I spotted this in Chapters bookshop I knew I had to buy it, if only because it is the inspiration for Carl’s blog. Plus, you know, it is one of those sci-fi adventures that you really should have at least flicked through at some stage.

Slippery Jim is our narrator, and our hero, of sorts. He is also the Stainless Steel Rat, or at least that is how he describes himself. Slipping through the technological world and committing many daring acts of thievery and innumerable cons. Safe and secure in the knowledges that his wits, charm and logic will get him out of danger. Until, that is, he is caught. The Special Corps, so special that no one is really sure they exist until, of course, they catch you, succeed in arresting him. But instead of throwing him in jail, or punishing him they offer him a job. Come and work for them. So he does, after all, he was never a bad man, just one who wanted his bit of freedom.

February spotlight by

One of the nice things about working in a library & processing all those new books is that you come across titles you normally never would. For instance I don’t often...

The Wee Free Men by

ISBN: 9780552549059 ; Annotations on L-Space Some things start before other things. Tiffany Aching lives up on The Chalk of Discworld, in a rural shepherding community. She was the youngest of...

Inside of a dog by

What Dogs See, Smell, and Know
Like the author I am a dog person, I like cats too, don’t get me wrong. Actually I like all animals, but there is nothing quite like having a dog about the place. And any pet-owner likes to know that they are doing their best for their dog, and most love to know what is going on in their heads. So I really enjoyed reading this book. The author is a scientist; she teaches psychology and has worked with many animals, including dogs. But this is not a science-book per se. It is easy to understand, and easy to read. But it has the science behind it, as well as plenty of anecdotes. Which, I know, aren’t scientific, but it still makes for a good read.

The woman in black by

ISBN: 9780099511649 It was nine-thirty on Christmas eve. Arthur Kipps is a mature and responsible individual. His first wife & child died many years ago, but he has since found happiness...

2011 #2

Oh dear, I haven’t been very weekly with this now have I? Anyways, this is a picture of the mutt, up on the couch like a very naughty puppy.