Weekly photo #21

21 December 2010

Lady Mew

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7 Responses

  1. She says:

    Fabulous catch!
    She´s last blog post ..Looking for Alaska – John Green

    • Fence says:

      Not really :) She spends half the day with her mouth open giving out about something. I think on this occasion she was moaning about the birds being outside instead of inside where she could chase them

  2. Kelly says:

    Well, hello, Miss Cutie!
    Kelly´s last blog post ..Every other day of the week is fine

  3. Kathleen says:

    Wow, great photo!
    Kathleen´s last blog post ..Some Sunshine for a Cold Winter day

  4. Caroline says:

    She is such a beauty…
    Caroline´s last blog post ..Literature and War Readalong 2011