The god of the hive by

14 September 2010

Call no:
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Rated :

Book 10 in the Mary Russell & Sherlock Holmes mysteries.

I really wish that I had gone back and reread the previous book in this series before starting this. The language of bees is the ninth in the series, but it was the first that I read, I then went back and reread from the start, skipping this because it was checked out of the library and I haven’t gotten around to buying them all yet. But I should have waited, because this starts off right where language left off, so it took me a while to catch up on exactly what was going on.

Holmes & Russell are separated; both wanted by the police and there is also an arrest warrant out for Holmes’ son Damien. And then there is the fact that Mycroft Holmes himself was questioned by Scotland Yard. Unthinkable!

The god of the hive - Laurie R KingISBN: 9780749008475This was a very fast paced book, and there is plenty to keep the reader’s attention. Unlike previous books in the series which are mainly from Russell’s POV this one has multiple points of view, so we know what is happening to characters who aren’t interacting directly with Russell. We often know what she does not.

Overall this was a really enjoyable mystery read. And I found the hints about Mycroft and the whole intelligence game very interesting. Especially the fact that he signs his official documents only with his first initial, M. Remind you of any one?

Other reviews: Bride of the book god ; Shelf love ; Inside a dog ; Window Seat Reader ;

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4 Responses

  1. Kathleen says:

    I've heard so much about this series and want to read them all.
    Kathleen´s last blog post ..Review- His Mothers Son by Cai Emmons

  2. Ladytink_534 says:

    I've never read any of these books before. I usually have to re-read previous books in a series before I start the latest ones or I'm spending too much time puzzling out who's who and all the other things the author sprinkles into the story. Bugs the snot out of me!

    • Fence says:

      Oh you'd need to read the first books in the series before reading this one. The story follows straight on, more of the second half of that than a story in its own right.