Week 253

10 December 2007

    Y’all know the drill, she says:

  1. Master ::
  2. Tour ::
  3. Input ::
  4. Downtown ::
  5. Pricey ::
  6. Acceptable ::
  7. Terrace ::
  8. Sunday ::
  9. Payoff ::
  10. Jack and Jill ::

and I say

  1. Master :: and commander… lesser of two weevils.
  2. Tour :: de France… drugs… cheating… sport
  3. Input :: device, keyboard, mouse
  4. Downtown :: Go!
  5. Pricey :: too
  6. Acceptable :: losses
  7. Terrace :: d house
  8. Sunday :: Easter
  9. Payoff :: hoped for
  10. Jack and Jill :: went up the hill

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4 Responses

  1. Harlequin says:

    Master :: bator

    Tour :: PGA

    Input :: Johnny 5

    Downtown :: you can always go (och!)

    Pricey :: EVERYTHING

    Acceptable :: Supernanny

    Terrace :: Upton Park

    Sunday :: bloody Sunday

    Payoff :: LOST (none)

    Jack and Jill :: … but now they've got a daughter!

  2. Carl V. says:

    Master :: Tinker (I've been watching Elf too much)

    Tour :: de France

    Input :: output

    Downtown :: blues

    Pricey :: Christmas shopping

    Acceptable :: risk

    Terrace :: dining

    Sunday :: night football

    Payoff :: bride

    Jack and Jill :: went up the hill

  3. Carl V. says:

    And harlequin, that first answer cracks me up!

  4. Harlequin says:

    :-D Twas inspired by Xander in Buffy vs. Dracula, when he's trying to hide that he's been bewitched by Dracula

    "Like any of that's enough to fight the Dark Master. Bator."

    "I think you're drawing a lot of crazy conclusions about the Unholy Prince. (pause) Bator."
