A man of immense grace, dignity. And a wicked humour too.

31 March 2006

John McGahern died yesterday. For those who haven’t heard of him, he was an Irish author. Born in Leitrim, he became a teacher. After the publication of his book The Dark he was forced to leave teaching, as the Board of Management didn’t want the author of a banned book teaching.

The book he is probably most famous for is Amongst Women, which was made into a TV series in the late 90’s. As well as several novels, McGahern also wrote short stories and plays. Last year he published Memoir, which, as you may have guessed was his memoirs.

Its strange, I’ve never actually read any of McGahern’s work. I always meant to, and we’ve always had his books around the house at home, but somehow I never got around to it[1] but at the same time McGahern has been such a famous author that I feel I have read his works.


  1. not even when I was supposed to study one at college

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4 Responses

  1. Kelly says:

    The only book of his that our library mentions owning is By the Lake, and even then I'll have to order it from another branch. Thank God for interlibrary loans… I'll look for his work. I'd never heard of him.

  2. NineMoons says:

    I read Amongst Women last year. It's great. There's even a bit in Strandhill! And a few months ago I nabbed The Dark from home. Settled down in bed to start it and in the first few pages, a boy is sexually abused by his dad. 'Nuff of that at work. Haven't gone back to it since!
    The man himself launched the aunt's last book – he had Kavanagh connections of some kind. Would love to read his Memoirs though.

  3. Fence says:

    I want to read his That They May Face The Rising Sun. I just like the title.

  4. NineMoons says:

    It makes me think of the way the Aiel are buried – upright and facing each sunrise.