The Grand Sophy by

21 July 2005

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ISBN: 0099426145
The thing about these Heyer books is that you always know how it is going to end up, but it doesn’t matter. When Sir Horace heads off to South America he leaves his daughter behind with her Aunt and cousins. Almost immediately she creates a stir, but always in a good cause. Some do not approve of her actions, she is accused on more than one occasion of almost being fast, yet somehow she always manages to sort every situation out.

The plots of Heyer’s books are not important, imo, it is the language she uses and the characters she creates that stand out. In The Grand Sophy the characters are really well drawn, not quite so cliched as in other books by her. Sophy is assertive, head-strong and full of confidence but never irritatingly so. Mr. Charles Rivenhall is stuffy and reserved, but we always know he won’t remain that way, and he is shown to be not quite so tyrannical as first impressions may have led us to believe.

Although towards the end I was slightly hoping that Sophy would be wrong at least once, this is still a very entertaining read.

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