Monthly Archive: August 2004


is “officially over”according to Jewel Can’t wait for the film to be released. Only another 6 or 9 months to go :)

Watching the Olympics on RTE

Well I haven’t made any mention so far of the Olympics, not sure why because I have been watching. A lot. This post isn’t really about the Olympics themselves though, more...

King Arthur dir. by

This film suffered from many poor reviews. Both from critics and, in my case, from friends who found it boring. Course I don’t read reviews before I go see films, I try to make up my own mind. Still I wasn’t expecting a lot from this film.
I’ve never really been a huge fan of Arthur films. First Knight was really really crap, imo, and Excaliber was a bit wierd. Plus there is the whole Monty Python thing :)

So why’d I go to see it?
Ray Winstone of course!

Shock, shock,

Horror, horror, the reason being that this is my first post of August, and the month is almost over! Still, have actually been up to a few things so that might...