If I were a rich man, yabba dabba dabba…

25 May 2004

If I were…

a month I would be: February

a day of the week I would be: A lazy Sunday afternoon (less than a day, but I can pick and choose)

a time of day I would be: the afternoon, round 3ish I think.

a planet I would be: Mars

a sea animal I would be: otter

a direction I would be: West

a piece of furniture I would be: a comfy sofa

a liquid I would be: Beer

a tree I would be: Hawthorn (bush, but all the same)

a flower/plant I would be: Daisy, invincible I tell you.

a kind of weather I would be: Nive weather, you know the odd shower, but generally sunny, not too warm

a musical instrument I would be: Fiddle

a land animal I would be: Wolf

a color I would be: Blue

a vegetable I would be: Potato

a sound I would be: wind in the trees

an element I would be: Fire

a car I would be: Ferrari

a song I would be: In The Shadow (The Rasmus) really like it, at the mo. It’ll prolly change in a few days though

a movie I would be directed by: You know, I’m going to leave this till I have more time

a book I would be written by: I was going to say Mary Gentle, but then horrible terrible things would happen me, but I would get to use a sword and be pretty good at it? What the hell, I can cope with war and death, can’t I

a food I would be: Chips

place I would be: the countryside, nowhere special, but home

a material I would be: Stone

a taste I would be: Mint

a scent I would be: I don’t know

a word I would be: Snicker

an object I would be: immovable

a body part I would be: fingers

a facial expression I would be: Bored now, it promises so much *evil grin*

a cartoon character I would be: I’m switching cartoon to comic book, Death

a shape I would be a: indistinct

a number I would be: neverending

a bird I would be: Crow

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